

Picture: Classified/Not Available


The Harlequins are not a race of Eldar so much as an organization. It is rumored that Harlequins are recruited from all classes and races of Eldar. They have mastered a system of warp tunnels known as the Webway, and can roam at will from place to place. What very, very little is known of them is that they are the keepers of ancient Eldar myths, and they perform highly complex dances and plays to recreate these allegorical tales. They have been rumored to cover such events as the War in Heaven, the fall and birth of the great enemy, and the true story of the messiah. Harlequins have no allegiance to anyone, but have been known to assist any given race, especially a race that is in a struggle against the forces of chaos (the archenemy of the Harlequins). Another vague rumor that can't be confirmed is the fact that they frequent the Black Library, which holds the Akoshic Records.

Masque of the Dark Sun,